Saturday, 9 July 2016

How To Train And Evolve Your Pokemon In 'Pokemon GO'

image: Dave Thier
So you’ve got some Pokemon. You’ve downloaded Pokemon GO, you’ve managed to connect to the somewhat spotty servers, and you’ve gotten out there, hurling pokeballs and gradually building your collection of weird little creatures. That’s step one, and for help with that, read here. Step two is developing the Pokemon you already have and making them strong enough to take on rival trainers at nearby gyms. Read below for some tips.

Every Pokemon has a CP value, which stands for “Combat Power.” It’s a measure of how well any given Pokemon will do in combat. So if a 10 CP Pokemon goes up against a 100 CP pokemon, the 100 CP one will likely win. One of the first things you’ll notice is that the wild Pokemon you encounter vary wildly in CP: I’ve seen some down at 10, others north of 200. So get a feel for which Pokemon tend to be more powerful to start out with. Then, you can start upgrading them.

There are two materials you’ll need to be paying attention to: stardust and candies. Stardust applies to all Pokemon, and you use it whenever you want to train any given monster. You get 100 every time you catch a Pokemon, and you use varying amounts of it when you want to train one of your own. Training raises a given Pokemon’s CP, making it more effective in combat. To train a Pokemon you’ll also need candies, which you also get by catching Pokemon. The difference is that candies are specific to an individual Pokemon, so in order to train your Zubat you’ll need to catch more Zubats. Each training session takes a single candy.

(Candies also appear to work with other Pokemon in the same evolution progression. So Zubat candies will work with Golbat, and so forth)

Candies are also used for evolution, which is how you’re going to take lower-tier Pokemon and turn them into their more ferocious variants. How many candies it will take seems to vary from Pokemon to Pokemon: I’ve seen some that take 25, others that take 50. You’ll likely end up with a ton of candies for some of the more common Pokemon in your area, so it shouldn’t be too hard to evolve a few of those.


You can also get candy via transferring, which isn’t really explained in any of the ingame tutorials. It’s basically just a way to get more candies and to clear out the dozens of duplicate Pokemon you’re no doubt catching. Just go to your Pokemon screen, select whichever monster you don’t want, scroll to the bottom and hit “transfer” to send it back to Professor Willow and get an extra candy for your trouble. No word on what Willow is doing with the poor things, but I’m not sure I want to know how he’s managed to stay so young looking after all these years. You’ll probably want to organize your Pokemon screen by CP so it’s easier to tell which ones can be safely transferred.

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